Thursday, July 29, 2010


I get inspired by ladies who persevere through life, never give up on their goals and dreams and still manage to love those around them (e.g. Oprah Winfrey & MIU). I get excited when I see such vibrancy in them and think to myself "Hey, I want and aim for that".

Along the way, some try to use me as their emotional dumping ground (apparently, the only reason I exist is for them to wail about their life sorrows), tell me how to run my life, demand more things from me, expect more productivity from me, and I do get affected by it (despite trying otherwise).

Praises can only calm and make a person happy for a while. Where's the sincerity in that?

Aren't you taking it for granted that I am at your constant disposal? Or that I only exist to propogate your agenda?

Its high-time for a long overdue ME time.

1 comment:

NinJaMoo said...

You go girl!