Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Brief Note

To my dearest fiance,

Don't feel bad (although you may laugh at this statement now) that you don't know me as well as other men know their fiancee, since we have only been together for 2 years or so.

My favourite type of food is Korean, my favourite food is Chee Cheong Fun. If there is tempeh, its double the fun.

My favourite movies are those that move my emotions - indie films, international movies, stories that have human meaning, and sci-fi flicks (especially those based on Sir Isaac Asimov's writings). I love TV series like 'Poirot' (based on Dame Agatha Christie's Belgian detective Hercule Poirot), anything with Dick Van Dyke in it, and any series that is creative enough to not use lustful nudity , sex scenes and visually violent scenes to sell their shows. Nudity in the artistic form is another matter, though some may confuse art for lust.
I watch cartoons to refresh my state of mind from the drudgery of continuous 'adult' work. Its my literal way of seeing the world through a child's eyes.
I love Disney's 'Princess and the Frog' not because of the corny storyline, but because the animation is hand drawn - something you don't see much of these days.

My favourite colour is green because it gives me a sense of peace.
Incidentally, though I am fond of frogs, it isn't the reason why I like the colour green so much.

I love frogs and anything to do with them, but I have yet to photograph a live one or touch it with my bare hands. I absolutely love the acronym F.R.O.G. (Fully Relying On God). It means alot to me for it is a constant reminder that I don't have to go into overdrive to do everything for everyone.

I love reading real books for their smells, textures, illustrations and writings, but I blog and Facebook so much now that I forgot to make time to just tuck myself into a comfortable chair/sofa and immerse in the wonderful stories within each book. Magazines don't really cut it, because they are full of short stories that don't continuosly link with each other.

I love singing any song that takes my fancy, but I only do that in private. I learned to play the guitar to fill in the musician role in my previous group of friends, since everyone kept remeniscing about how they used to have musicians but now they have none, and wished that they had a musician.

I really don't like to wear make up, because they cost a bomb to maintain. Normal make up brands (e.g. Maybeline, Silky Girl, Revlon) available in supermarkets and pharmacies cost me RM120 a month (not kidding you, I will show you the receipts if you still don't believe me), and that doesn't include yet the cost of make up remover lotions and skin care products.

I pop my contact lenses in before leaving the house because you like to see me without my spectacles. I'm comfortable with my spectacles because with them on, I don't have to go through the hassle of stopping what I am doing to re-wet my eyes every 2 hours.

I love taking walks in naturally green areas and inhale the different earthy and green scents of each of these places.

I love arts and crafts because I love creating things with my hands, and not because I dream of being a 'housewife'.

I day dream too, but I try not to do it when I am in a conversation with others because it may offend them or I might miss an important message.

That's all I can tell you for now. The rest is up to you to discover, and when you choose to do so, I will be waiting to share my discoveries of you.

Your fiancee


izso said...

Your husband is a lucky bloke. You sound like an interesting lady!

Maggie said...

Thanks for the compliment, Izso. :)