Sunday, May 8, 2011

Touched Lives

When my sleep gets interrupted, I often wonder if I am doing the right thing.

Am I touching lives the way Christ did (and still is), or just attempting to be a Solo Hero?

Sometimes I arrive at the brink of frustration, I do want to tell her that there is so much more in life than the issue at hand that may be big now, but nothing can compare to God and nothing is impossible for God.

I try, then I fail....and the negative post-effects continue their vicious recycle system in my mind and heart. And I do nothing to stop them - I could have sought God, I could have dwelled even more in His word, but I don't do any of this.

Instead, I fester in bitterness and start avoiding her.
She knows. She no longer calls, but has latched on others who can lend their fresh sympathetic ears.

Yet when I reflect on this, I am still very thankful for those people whom the Good Lord lead me to, who could help me out of my 'blue funk', no matter how long or short their contact with me, no matter if they still want to communicate or not.

True wisdom is really in the Lord.

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