Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are We Done Yet?

These past weeks saw me working up myself into a fine big P-a-n-i-c, as I started imagining boogeymen endings for things that have not been done yet.

Exams: I'm gonna fail! No time to study (busy panicking mah)! Haven't covered the chapters properly!
Wedding: We're gonna limp through the ceremony without alot of things, and no presiding Pastor to marry us! *cue dramatic music*
New home: Its still a mess!
Everything else in the world: Its just all WRONG!

The actual state of my mind was clearly questionable, as I flitted from one minor panic to another (and another) until they cluttered my mind and heart (resulting in seriously real episodes of 'omgithinkimgoingtofaintnow') to the point of exploding.

But with a little bit of quality rest and clear mindedness, everything falls into place...

Exams: Do my best and stop wasting time panicking! Even if I did fail the test, I will re-sit until my ICSA is completed.
Marriage: What me worry? The hall deco may go up in flames, no presiding Pastor takper...because God is here with us, emotions may go into a sudden funk, but what the hey.... its our 'big day', so what? We're getting married (yay)!
Home: I did what I could earlier, the rest is his problem for now. Lols.
Everything else in the world: Nothing was ever perfect in the first place, we do our own bit to improve our living, relationships and planet.

Not too bad after all, eh? :)

Now on to the kitchen! Panic takes up loads of energy. :p

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